More from Scott Lay and his website Around The Capitol...
Yesterday's Actions (progress of AB 183)
It's the final stretch, with the legislative session scheduled to end Friday Lots of people are asking about the bill process in this final stretch. As a reminder, bills that have been amended in the second house (i.e. AB 123 has been amended in the Senate) must be sent back to the house of origin for a "concurrence" vote in the second house's amendments. Only upon approval of the house of origin will the bill be sent to the governor. This is usually a formality, but it's an important step in the process.
When a bill status update says something like "To enrollment. (End location: Assembly Engrossing and Enrolling)," the bill has passed and is on the way to the governor. Before the governor gets it, the bill is proofread and all previous actions are formally confirmed by the legislative clerks. With so many bills at the end of the year, it will likely be several weeks before the governor takes action on most legislative bills passed in the final two weeks. For bills passed in the final 12 days of session, he will have until October 10 to act.
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