"If you have an opinion about whether self-checking should be allowed in grocery stores which affects the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors, you might want to call your State Senator and opine. Most of us in this area are represented by Senator Sharon Runner. Her number is (661) 729-6232. Some people in our area are represented by Senator Huff. In order to be sure who your senator is, you can go to: senate.ca.gov click on Find My Senator and insert your full address and zip code and they will tell you who your senator is and how to reach him/her.
"There are also the other issues of automation replacing jobs as well as Fresh and Easy being a non-union employer. This, of course, has nothing to do with the self checkout, but I personally am in support of union jobs as I think it is the difference between losing or not losing the middle class. Also, for your information, Fresh and Easy is a United Kingdom based company.
Thanks for taking an interest. Please feel free to pass this on."
Elaine Brown
This bill only seeks to add yet another law to "protect the children", when no additional protection is needed. It is not possible to purchase alcohol at a Fresh & Easy without a someone verifying your age. The company says this, their customers say this, and newspapers say this: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-grocery-checkout-20110905,0,5102682.story
If this bill is nothing more than an attempt by the grocer's unions to gain some control over a non-union company.
Well, Mr. Barrett is apparently off his meds again. The latest on his infamous mopandbucket.blogspot.com site, an article titled "Fresh & Easy Meets Our Local Fear Mongers" is again maligning Elaine Brown and Terry Ashemore for posting their opinions by accusing them of "Fear Mongering" in the case of the "Fresh and Easy" law controversy. He states:
"AB183, the Assembly Bill that prevents self check-out in stores that sell alcohol is really just a grocery union backed measure that is using the baseless fear of alcohol sales to minors to fuel legislation that would force Fresh & Easy to either not sell alcohol or force them to have live checkers. Nice try."
One really has to wonder why he has so radically changed his opinion over the past few months. If you go by "The Foothills Forum" and look under "Local Living", there's a thread titled "Grocery Workers voting on strike today". It was started last April by QueenOfTheMountain with the most recent post being on August 24th of this year. It's on the first page, maybe three fourths of the way down.
Mr. Barrett joins the conversation at about the 15th post and makes several follow-ups defending the grocery union and their workers, blaming the situation instead on the grocery stores wanting to make more money on the backs of their workers, seemingly in direct contrast to what his alleged mind is thinking today.
Joe, it would seem the sock puppet on your left hand is for the workers, the one on your right hand is against them. I think that's called "schizophrenia", but then I'm no psychiatrist.
Hypocritical Joe Barrett is apparently drinking the Devil's liquid while he does the Devil's work at his Slop and Mucket bloodspot.
Joe was an Administrator at Mayor Sams blogspot last spring before he got ousted where he made many pro-union posts.
Here is a comment he made in March that can be found in the Mayor Sam March Archives.
Joe B. said:
The Dems did the right thing by leaving the state to stop the advancement of a bad law. They wanted to gain national attention to the issue, and also give some of the Republicans the time to really reflect on the real damage this law would do to middle class workers and even their own careers. They have succeeded in bringing major attention to an unpopular law presented by a union busting governor. They have succeeded in creating what will be successful recall campaigns against 9 Republicans and Gov. Walker. The Republicans have succeeded in giving Wisconsin to President Obama in 2012. The Wisconsin 14 are national heroes, and the labor movement is reinvigorated like never before.
March 12, 2011 9:09 PM
Duh... Joe hasn't been ousted from Mayor Sam. Get it right or - DUH! - STFU.
You are sorely misinformed LS. I have got it right!
Go to Mayor Sams and you will note that only Red Spot and Michael Higby have posted threads for weeks. The word is that Michael is as sick of Joe as Sunland Tujunga is.
BTW, what is STFU? I hope it is not what it sounds like and if it is, you need to refrain from becoming just like Joe Barrett - a vicious and vile name caller and attacker.
These people are not known for their intellectual prowess, DUH! I'll tell you what REALLY happened to Barretts 'career' at MayorSamBlogspot... call me.
Joe B was never fired from MayorSam. He's perfectly welcome to post whenever he feels ready and wants to.
Joe and I have been friends for many years. We seem to have violent disagreements on many issues.
That being said, I only wish the best for Joe. I have appreciated his friendship in the past and while again, I have disagreed with some of his views and tactics, he's done a lot for the community and blogsaphere.
Very interesting, Michael! You are in-between a rock and a hard place, aren't you?
Do you remember writing me an email after the election regarding Joe's refusal to publish any blogs supporting Mary Benson when she was being severely attacked in comments on MS?
I do! And why is it that Joe has not posted a thread on MS for weeks? I know why, but I will refrain if you will stop supporting this beast.
Hi Elaine -
I have all those emails (Thank you Gmail!).
You were begging me to post pro-Mary Benson material and I think you accidentally sent me some internal mail from Mary's campaign that she needed to support gay people, or something like that.
I do believe at the time I may have mentioned I had some fight in email with Joe and Abby over some issue. I am sure I was confused by it. That happens.
All of which has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you and Terre are completely LYING saying that Joe was fired. Joe has never been fired from MayorSam ever. Every time there has been an issue he left on his own. Usually because he was pissed at me. Right now Joe has stepped down from MayorSam (which I wasn't really aware of because he was upset with me and we weren't speaking. so there as no "official" discussion) because he feels he needs to spend his time setting straight what you and Terre are saying.
The comments on this blog regarding MayorSam are absolutely incorrect, Terre has not spoken with me and there is no way she has any "inside dirt."
That leads me to believe she's just making it up.
Most people in ST know I'm straightforward whether they agree with me or not. So I think it's going to be hard for Terre to lie about me.
Trust me, with the issues Joe and I had with each other, had he been fired, I would tell you!
By the way, if you continue to publish lies about me and my blog, I may have to call Joseph Mailander's attorney.
Thanks, friend, for sending me Joe's recent blog on his bloodspot where I never go for risk of receiving a Trogan Horse as others say they have when attempting to respond to Joe's insults. See what Joe says below:
"I left Mayor Sam for a few reasons,the main one being that I wanted to focus on S-T issues. After all I live here. Thanks again. Retraction, Elaine Brown?"
I retract nothing, Joe. You have not been listed as an Administrator on Mayor Sam's since July. You were ousted. Michael is helping you save face, but there are many of us out here who know the true story.
What we all do agree on is that you are no longer an Administrator on MS.
PS - I also live here, Joe, and for a lot longer than you have.
Elaine, I know it's hot today, are you keeping your head cool?
Seriously, I have zero reason to help Joe save face.
You have completely lost all credibility.
Joe removed himself. But if you want to perpetuate the fantasy on your blogs continue to damage your reputation.
A quote where I lied about you Higby would be???? That's what I thought. I have never talked to you, or written about you, so I haven't lied if I've never even acknowledged you.
But it's funny you would bring up Joseph Mailanders attorney... I take it you've met?
You are too funny, Michael! Make your phone call!
Be careful or you will be equal to Joe if you keep up with the insults, but I doubt that arguing with you would ruin my credibility. Joe has been trying to do that for years with little success. It is his credibility and that of STA that he has ruined.
You will note that I have never posted on Slop and Mucket, only posted five times on the FF, and have not posted on MS since that infamous election.
As to Joe leaving, because of your recent agreement or your ousting him, who cares. Is he an Administrator still? If so, you need to list him.
Great responding, today. I had a lot to say after four months of non-response. And now I feel better, so I will go back to watching Joe play with himself.
Hey Michael - send me Mailander's attorney's contact info, would you?
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