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Beautiful Bat by Meg Benhase and Mostlyphotos 2009 |
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Sunland Tujunga's Beloved Bats
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"It may be fresh, but it won't be easy"

Cleanup in aisle 8--Fresh and Easy CEO sold $1.3 million worth of company stock in 2008.
Fresh and Easy is at the cutting edge--of a declining trend, according to Associated Press.
Market studies cited by the Arlington, Va.-based Food Marketing Institute found only 16 percent of supermarket transactions in 2010 were done at self-checkout lanes in stores that provided the option. That's down from a high of 22 percent three years ago.
Overall, people reported being much more satisfied with their supermarket experience when they used traditional cashier-staffed lanes.

Fresh & Easy experienced significant growth problems starting a year ago when it announced that it was closing 13 stores in the Southwest. The firm, a UK firm that branched into America five years ago with fast-growth plans, recently announced it would sell off its underperforming Japanese markets. Parent Tesco has yet to turn a profit in the United States, but hopes to be profitable within two years.
Its retail practices have also been called into question by industry watchdogs such as Jim Prevor, the Perishable Pundit, who writes this in an appraisal of the deep-discount grocer's coupon policy:
The Fresh & Easy tactic smells of bait-and-switch; convince the consumers that you offer beautiful large cherries in clamshells, attract the customers in with an ad for discount cherries, and then let them see they are not discounted, they are different cherries, lousy cherries, and hope the consumers will buy your full profit item.
Maybe people with lots of free time will tolerate this treatment. But good customers, the ones who spend more freely to get what they want, when they want it, will only be attracted to a store once with this kind of shenanigan.
Whether the UK company truly understands the highly competitive American supermarket business has yet to be demonstrated. Tesco's US adventure with Fresh & Easy in the US was termed a "disaster" and "an invasion that went wrong" by the UK press as recently as two years ago.
Friday, September 23, 2011
A Night at the Opera

Kathleen and I got a chance to take in the last sunset of summer together, from the second floor balcony of the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. This is a goony tradition of mine that I've had going since 1979: I always make a point of it to watch the last sunset of the summer. Kathleen has known about it for all that time, but she hasn't shared a "last sunset of summer" with me since...1980!
I thought I would also step in here at this blog while my other longtime community friend (and lifelong area resident) Terre Ashmore deals with some administrative and business matters on the home front. I haven't quite known Terre as long as I have Kathleen, but I first became acquainted with her in 1994 when I had some good ties to the Natural History Museum. I knew Terre as a habitat botanist back then--she did talks to some groups about botany and also installed habitats for the LA Zoo. She was the person who introduced me to the Theodore Payne Foundation, back in 1994, which remains a tremendous resource for so many people today. She also started the first community garden to which I ever belonged.
This community, Sunland-Tujunga, has some incredibly amazing human resources, including lots of people who don't wear their past accomplishments on their sleeves. It's been my good fortune to be connected to some of them for a long time and others in more recent years. I'm honored to step in here for a little spell!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Fresh & Easy, New Biz @ The Coffee Stop: Agenda Items For TONIGHT!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Ad Hoc Samoa Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, September 12, 2011
Continued progress of AB183, The Fresh & Easy Bill
More from Scott Lay and his website Around The Capitol...
Yesterday's Actions (progress of AB 183)
It's the final stretch, with the legislative session scheduled to end Friday Lots of people are asking about the bill process in this final stretch. As a reminder, bills that have been amended in the second house (i.e. AB 123 has been amended in the Senate) must be sent back to the house of origin for a "concurrence" vote in the second house's amendments. Only upon approval of the house of origin will the bill be sent to the governor. This is usually a formality, but it's an important step in the process.
When a bill status update says something like "To enrollment. (End location: Assembly Engrossing and Enrolling)," the bill has passed and is on the way to the governor. Before the governor gets it, the bill is proofread and all previous actions are formally confirmed by the legislative clerks. With so many bills at the end of the year, it will likely be several weeks before the governor takes action on most legislative bills passed in the final two weeks. For bills passed in the final 12 days of session, he will have until October 10 to act.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Following the progress of AB 183; the Fresh & Easy Bill
AB183 Alcoholic beverage licenses: self-service checkouts:
Sept 6 Actions:
*Read third time. Refused passage. (Ayes 17. Noes 16.) End location: Senate Desk.
*Motion to reconsider made by Senator Kehoe. End location: Senate Desk.
*Reconsideration granted. (Ayes 40. Noes 0.) End location: Senate Desk
The votes:
*Senate Floor: Assembly 3rd Reading AB183 Ma by Kehoe 17-16 (Fail)
*Senate Floor: Assembly 3rd Reading AB183 Ma by Kehoe Reconsider 40-0 (PASS)
(failed by 1; motion to reconsider passed unanimous, in the Senate for reconsideration...)
According to Scott "It's the final stretch, with the legislative session scheduled to end Friday. Lots of people are asking about the bill process in this final stretch." For more information and to sign up for Scott's reports on Bills you are watching, go to his website.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
A Letter to Brock Ba'jer Readers: AB183 is before the Senate...
"If you have an opinion about whether self-checking should be allowed in grocery stores which affects the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors, you might want to call your State Senator and opine. Most of us in this area are represented by Senator Sharon Runner. Her number is (661) 729-6232. Some people in our area are represented by Senator Huff. In order to be sure who your senator is, you can go to: senate.ca.gov click on Find My Senator and insert your full address and zip code and they will tell you who your senator is and how to reach him/her.
"There are also the other issues of automation replacing jobs as well as Fresh and Easy being a non-union employer. This, of course, has nothing to do with the self checkout, but I personally am in support of union jobs as I think it is the difference between losing or not losing the middle class. Also, for your information, Fresh and Easy is a United Kingdom based company.
Thanks for taking an interest. Please feel free to pass this on."
Elaine Brown
Thursday, September 1, 2011
The Samoa Project Ad Hoc Committee 'Rolls Up Their Sleeves'