Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ad Hoc Samoa Subcommittee Meeting

Your community of Sunland Tujunga is being championed by a grassroots group of individuals who have created a working group of great skill in record time. The Ad Hoc Samoa Sub Committee met for only the third time last night to approve and present their letter created for the STNC LUC to confront the SB 1818 High Density Project slated for Samoa Avenue in Tujunga.

The meetings were ably chaired by Tomi Lyn Bowling, who slipped into the role of one chair after another with ease as the gathering relied on the presence of two committees meeting concurrently and she was the chair for both. [Correction, Bowling is the Chair for the Land Use committee and assisted Bill Skiles who is the Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee. Skiles does a great job and we are glad to have his calm direction.] The Sunland Tujunga Neighborhood Council Land Use Committee accepted the prepared letter (and the work that went into it) from the Samoa Ad Hoc Committee to proceed with the STNC’s hard stand against the SB 1818 High Density Apartment Project.

The letter addresses key issues uncovered during long hours of research done by the Ad Hoc Committee members. Bill Skiles combined all the ingredients of diverse findings from each member tasked with a particular subject, to fashion an articulate argument in the letter. The letter is addressed to Michael LoGrande, the Director of Planning for the City of Los Angeles. Further Skiles compiled an extensive draft Subcommittee Report in anticipation of the discussions to follow with the Planning Department and the developer. This document is a work in (rapid) progress as committee members hammer out the details that form legal grade arguments against the project.

The public will be updated on the project and the Ad Hoc Subcommittee’s progress by LUC Chair Tomi Lyn Bowling this Wednesday September 14 at the STNC General Meeting and potluck at 6:30pm at the North Valley City Hall in Tujunga at 7747 Foothill Boulevard.

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